Look What I found

neat stuff i found on my way to the internet

2:17 PM

For the next moon mission...

Posted by goldfixe

Apparently NASA is manufacturing invisible space motorcycles to make travel on the moon not only easy...but making us look like "bad ass" astronauts!! In your face, China!!

2 people actually read this blog:

hollister said...

motorcycles or invso-toliets... bad ass either way.

Oh yeah, i tagged you on my blog so go there and see what you have to do.. mmmmmkay?

goldfixe said...

Yeah, maybe this is what really what happens when space toilets break. They have to go squat outside. But since spave is a vacuum, I can see this being potentially problematic. On the plus side it may just suck the crap right out of you (followed by your bowels and maybe your lungs.)