Look What I found

neat stuff i found on my way to the internet

11:49 AM

Spider-man and Batman: Street Justice

Posted by goldfixe

This is a real live clip of the two super heroes administering a very real beat down to what appears to be a hobo or a cold-blooded criminal dressed as a hobo. Those of you feeling bad for the hobo should calm down a bit. Batman and Spider-man are expert heroes and don't just beat up anyone for no reason (they're not thugs, jeez!). It makes me wonder what this bum did to incur the wrath of two of our greatest heroes. Maybe he stole a purse or robbed a bank. Maybe he was trying to mug somebody. Who knows. All I'm saying is that I don't need a reason. If Batman and Spider-man think he deserves it, I'm cool with that. I trust their spider/bat judgement. And I felt very privileged to see one of Batman's lesser known crime fighting moves: The Bat-Slap! It's a little know fact that Batman rarely hits people with a closed fist. Slaps are so much more humiliating and, let's face it, gay (for the slapee, not the slapper).

Thank you Batman and Spider-man for keeping our streets safe.

Quote of the day: "The police are on their way, Batman!!"

1 people actually read this blog:

Clint said...

The guy at the end makes me laugh so hard. He just keeps on working like a costumed street fight is an everyday occurrence. "You should have seen Elvis and Marylin Monroe tag-team the bum yesterday..."