Look What I found

neat stuff i found on my way to the internet

4:42 PM

I'm sorry but WT(bleep)!!?

Posted by goldfixe

This is the kind of random and off the wall crap I find in my free time on the internet. I'm not even going to post the video of it, just a link: HERE.

Here's the description via Gizmodo:

"Soviet scientists in the mid-20th century keep the severed head of a dog alive via an "autojector," a primitive heart and lung machine. The dog reacts to sounds, opens its eyes, eats, licks its lips, and generally looks alive. The video has been debated by experts for years, but now you can be the judge thanks to the wonders/horrors of the internet."

I'm not sure where or if I want to begin. Now, I'm not new to the internet and am fully aware that there are a few people out there that try to trick the rest of us internet-attendees (if this comes as a shock to you, please turn off your computer and place it gingerly into the garbage - it's better that way, for everyone). A few parts of this look pretty questionable (like the citric acid bottle) but otherwise it's a toss up. If it's real...dude, that's messed up. If it's not real...um...that's still pretty messed up. IF it is real, it really makes you wonder if they could do this with other types of heads. Hmmm...

Judge for yourself but think of the possibilities: You could keep Grandma in her own little box and open it up when you wanted to see her. Sure she wouldn't be able to talk but she'd be a great listener. Ooh, maybe she'd even grant wishes like another disembodied-head-in-a-box I know...
Repeat after me, Mekka-lekka hi mekka hiney ho!

Your wish is granted. Long live Jambi!

(or grandma, whatever the case may be)

2 people actually read this blog:

Anonymous said...

so i left you a comment on your family page--- go read it.

(do you still work at uop and do nothing like me all day? )

kat b. said...

soooo if it eats......where exactly does the food go? no stomach, so does it just drop out of the neck? i call bull shi#@.