Look What I found

neat stuff i found on my way to the internet

4:07 PM

My poor sister...

Posted by goldfixe

She just lost her job at a medical staffing firm. They called it downsizing, I call it super gay. I'm the kinda guy that hates the fact that I have to give a two weeks notice but employers can fire you if you look at them wrong. Lame. So, I dedicate this video to my sister, Holly. I love you and wished you could freak out like this guy (or at least I hope you did in your head).

I gotta hand it to this lunatic; he did what most of us dream of doing everyday. Kudos to you, crazy guy. May you not get raped in whatever mental hospital they throw you in.

2 people actually read this blog:

Unknown said...

I am looking forward to this site. May I suggest the following (you probably already know about them)

StumbleUpon - an add-on for IE and Firefox. Answer a bunch of questions about your likes and dislikes and then "stumble" to sites that might interest you. My favorite thing.

Today's Big Thing - self-explanatory.

Happy blogging!

The Fletchies said...

your poor sister. Devin got a new job but has to wait two months before he can start. He's last day is July 30th. I told him he should take the last week off come back Monday August 3rd his start day at the other job freak out at his old job, say he quits and run out on them. He didn't think it was as good an idea as i did.